The LCHS – Liquid Cargo Handing Computer based simulation stand alone classroom solution comprises of the interactive software simulation modules running on the Instructor’s station, the debriefing station and the trainee stations
The Liquid Cargo Handling Simulator simulates the real time process flow control systems used in the storage and transfer of potentially hazardous bulk liquids from shore to ship and vice versa, and is capable of being used for training over the full range of situations from routine operations to emergencies with catastrophic potential. The trainer allows the students to familiarize with all the relevant site, orientation equipment and process with its visual effects and behavioral realism.
The system offers an integrated, modern alarm simulation system with visual and audio alarms with automatic logger, emergency security system with slow-hold control, as well as Dead-man monitoring system for monitoring the presence of staff in areas on board a ship that are normally unattended.
The system offers the classroom Debriefing module, at Instructors workstation, connected to the LAN and also connected to an interactive board via HDMI connection. Projector also can be selected for the debriefing station, as per client choice).
The Liquid Cargo Handling Simulator simulates in a complete and realistic manner the real time process flow control systems used in the storage and transfer of potentially hazardous bulk liquids from shore to ship and vice versa, and is capable of being used for training over the full range of situations from routine operations to emergencies with catastrophic potential.
The system offers the capability for Remote software downloading and remote version upgrading.

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